Our Profile

MMA offers professional services. The high level of customer service has allowed to open multiple full-service centers.
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Insurance Matters

Our insurance practice covers a wide range of services within the areas of insurance under the supervision of Mr. G. O. Mulanya. We have experience in Workman’s Compensation, employment, fidelity covers, Private, Commercial and PSV auto covers, property owners (fire and burglary) and aviation.

Our services include legal opinions and counsel on a wide range of insurance coverage as well as active litigation before the courts. We pursue a cost effective, result based and timely solutions approach in all our matters.

Our investigations officer is an experienced investigator who is able to collect and collate useful information on the debtors’ whereabouts and financial standings. When pursuing the debtors, we collect and collate useful information on the debtor’s physical whereabouts, financial standing and asset base. This information is useful in determining whether on default a suit should be filed or not thus preventing clients from throwing good money after bad in the event that the outlay is not settled within an agreed period of time. It also ensures speedy execution when a suit is eventually filed.

We are firm on the mode of collection without compromising on the legal requirements. The Firm goes beyond the usual position of issuance of the normal demand letters. We instead place great emphasizes on persistent follow ups on the debtor by way of physical delivery of demand notices, repeated phone calls, personal visits on the debtors and this has ensured that the debtors yield to sustained pressure.

We pride ourselves in having ensured that most our clients have their funds recovered, and we are able to achieve this through the application of a different approach that enables our clients minimize costs.

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