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MMA offers professional services. The high level of customer service has allowed to open multiple full-service centers.
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Debt Management

The Firm specializes in Debt Management which entails Recoveries, Restructuring and Insolvency Services. To this end, the Firm has a fully operational department that offers these services to its wide range of clientele including Financial Institutions, Oil Marketing Companies, the Transport and Logistics Sector as well as any other entities seeking to recover their debt.

The department is headed by Ms. Ann Muli, the Partner In charge. Ms Muli has over 12 years’ experience in matters debt management having successfully headed recoveries departments for several bank. General oversight of the department is by Mr. C S Maondo, the Managing Partner who has equally got extensive experience on debt recovery spanning a period of over 17 years now. The department is currently supported by Ten (10) highly experienced debt collection officers who man its call centre. The Firm engages additional recoveries officers on retainer basis depending on the volume of work available from time to time. Other support staff include Two (2) Investigation Officers, a process server, mail dispatch messengers and backroom support by the IT Department.

The Firm prides itself in not just delivering successful outcomes for its clientele but also proffering the appropriate advice and approach to the various disputes with the aim of ensuring an amicable outcome to its clients.

Objectives of the Debt Recovery Dpt

The key objective of setting up a specific department for debt recovery is to ensure that maximum and concerted effort is directed towards recoveries for our clients at the earliest without having to engage in litigious proceedings.

  • ✔ To offer efficient, ethical and cost-effective services..
  • ✔ To collect the debt within the shortest period of time.
  • ✔ To be the agency of choice in terms of performance and results.
  • ✔ To have strong relationships with key organizations in selected market segments.
  • ✔ To support our Client’s overall business retention strategy during the collections process.
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